Flight of the Doves

Flight of the Doves

by Nigel Plane

On the frozen world of Thera, Maia is captured by slave-traders and forced into the mysterious Sisterhood, a cult hidden within a mountain citadel. As she uncovers the Sisterhood’s secrets and questions their true purpose, Maia, one of the prophesied Seven Sisters, embarks on a daring journey to liberate her fellow captives and seek a fabled land, in a tale of discovery, defiance, and shattering revelations.

Nigel Plane

A vista of gargantuan blue suns – blazing jewels of dazzling coronas and spewing, spitting flares – washed the confines of the flight cabin intermittently with intense hues of azure and cobalt. An inferno of heat and radiation, beyond the imagination of Danté, yet painting a picture of icy coldness in the vacuum of space.

Excerpt from Flight of the Doves

She remembered the stench of burning, and the shrieks of terror cut short by the horrid sound of thudding spears, or the slashing of razor on flesh. She recalled how her grip on her father’s body faltered, and how she was tossed from the melee. But it spared her the crush and the sword.

Excerpt from Flight of the Doves

The glow of the fire before her created a cloud of crimson haze where silhouettes of soldiers scurried within – strange, ghostly figures, like the images her ancestors painted on cave walls, except these were brought to life; now the figures were revenants with purpose and anticipation in their hearts.

Excerpt from Flight of the Doves

Maal entered a world of gloom, feebly lit by torches of flames; a domain of deep shadows lacking all colour; a vast cavern in which the roof disappeared into lofty darkness … An alien realm devoid of Freyja’s light, in which mountains and valleys and the pure, white, carpeting snow – the only world she knew – had been extinguished.

Excerpt from Flight of the Doves

Alcyone swung round, tearful, grappling her robes as she dressed. “It is forbidden. Like you, I question. It is not as it is described in the texts. We, the Sisterhood, exist purely to sate the lusts of men; I am fearful that I shall fail in my resolve. If I fail, I will be punished; sent before Judge Xnon. Read what is written.”

Excerpt from Flight of the Doves


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